The Glorious 12th has been and gone and very soon it will be September and the start of the Partridge season. As ever, at this time of year as the season picks up and people minds turn to their shooting, we are often find ourselves speaking to clients considering switching from a 12-Bore to a 20-Bore. They are in search of a lighter, lower recoiling gun and the 20-Bore is often the perfect answer. Not least as it is just as effective as a 12-bire when correctly placed. Furthermore, in recent years the choice of cartridges for the 20-Bore shooter have increased significantly. The variety of loads and shot sizes are equal to those offered to the man or woman using a 12-Bore.
So what things should you be aware of when considering making such a change? Well first of all, typically, a 20-Bore will be lighter than a 12-Bore. This means it is ‘easier’ to swing but it also means the gun is much more responsive / lively. It will take some practice and a certain amount of time to get used to the difference. It is for that reason that we always tell people to be patient and resist the temptation to switch back to “the old faithful” after the first frustrating day with the new gun. This is especially true if you are making the switch from Side-de-by-Side to Over & Under. You must practice and you must be patient. But you will enjoy the challenge.
There are of course many other nuanced differences and we would be delighted to help talk you through the pros and cons and the process of changing your choice of gun. Here at the RBSS Gun Room we sell a wide variety of new and second hand shotguns and rifles. So if you are thinking of changing or just selling your gun, please do contact the Gun Room. We offer impartial advice and can part exchange you existing gun.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Alastair or Phil in the Gun Room on 01491 672914.