Holts tour the country ahead of each quarterly auction holding free valuation days, rather in the manner of ‘The Antiques Roadshow’. We are very pleased to be able to tell you that they will be visiting RBSS on Wednesday 30th January, when you are welcome to bring in your guns for a free valuation. The days are fairly informal and hopefully informative, and are primarily intended as points of consignment to the next auction. However, they are also happy to carry out valuations for the sake of interest, together with insurance and probate requirements(a charge may be made for the last two services if required in writing).
The day will be hosted by Nick Holt and Christopher Beaumont, who will be able to tell you something about the item you have brought along, and are always keen to hear of family or related provenance, it is often of interest and can have a highly beneficial impact on the value. They will then suggest a realistic catalogue estimate and reserve (if you are minded to sell) together with a likely hammer price.
To aid the smooth-running of the day it will run on an appointment system. This should ensure that you have a degree of privacy and that you’re not kept waiting before meeting one of the team. Should you wish to book, please ring Holt's direct on 01485 542822.