The Royal Berkshire Gun Room July 31, 2020Royal Berkshire Shooting SchoolLots of exciting new arrivals and a heartfelt thank you. The last couple of months have been full of change but one thing that has remained consistent has been the...
Royal Berkshire Sporting Agency- Focus on Rock Pigeons July 15, 2020Royal Berkshire Shooting SchoolFocus on Rock Pigeons Any discussion with regards to the most challenging Game Bird will typically include Red Grouse and Grey Partridge, and rightly so. However, in recent years....
The Royal Berkshire Grouse Challenge July 14, 2020Nick van NiekerkThis special competition celebrated the much anticipated start of the grouse season and ran for four weeks, commencing on 4th August. We are delighted to announce the winners now and...
Royal Berkshire Sporting Agency- Focus on Pheasant July 8, 2020Royal Berkshire Shooting SchoolFocus On Pheasant It is fair to say that Pheasant shooting has shaped the countryside. Travel the length and breadth of the country and you will see areas of...
News from the Peg July 2, 2020Royal Berkshire Shooting SchoolThroughout the period of lockdown and since the restrictions have slowly lifted we have been pleased to see our client’s interest in game shooting has remained. Obviously, like everybody, we...
Roving Gun July 2, 2020Royal Berkshire Shooting School Looking up the valley, I can honestly say I have never seen the grounds looking better. The hard work of the team, during and since lockdown, along with the...
The Royal Berkshire Gun Room July 2, 2020Royal Berkshire Shooting SchoolOpening the Gun Room on Monday 15th June was a great and positive step. Like everybody, we had missed being open and so, having prepared everything to ensure we complied...
Country Store New Arrivals July 2, 2020Royal Berkshire Shooting SchoolWe have been thrilled to see the Country Store and Gun Room back open. It has been a delight to see some familiar faces and we look forward to welcoming...
Royal Berkshire Sporting Agency- Focus on Partridge July 1, 2020Royal Berkshire Shooting SchoolFocus On Partridge Partridge shooting can be fast and furious. It can also be extremely challenging. Historically, when talking about Partridge we would have been referring to English or...
Lessons and Gun Fit appointments available from 4th July June 27, 2020Royal Berkshire Shooting SchoolThe Royal Berkshire Shooting School is delighted to announce that, from Saturday 4th July we will be offering private tuition and gun fittings. Please note, anybody booking a lesson must...
Royal Berkshire Sporting Agency- Focus on Grouse June 23, 2020Royal Berkshire Shooting SchoolFocus On Grouse Grouse shooting is often described as the “Sport of Kings” not least as the speed and guile of these magical birds is legendary as is the beauty...
The Royal Berkshire Sporting Agency Roving Syndicate June 18, 2020Royal Berkshire Shooting SchoolThe Royal Berkshire Sporting Agency’s “Roving Syndicate” brings together likeminded individuals who are looking for a great days sport. They are perfect for individual guns or small groups of friends...